What you told us ....
“Just think this is a brilliant idea”
Raybel survey comment.
Many thanks to all of you who completed our online survey. We had a marvellous response which is proving really useful in helping us to develop the range of activities which we will offer during the project.
Of the list of potential activities, you told us that the following were of most interest and we will be incorporating these, and others, into our plans:*
Behind the scenes tours of restoration (53%)*
Bookable sailing trips (51%)*
Barge open days (45%)*
Exhibitions (43%)
People also suggested we consider offering fishing trips and music performances and we will think carefully about how to make these possible.
Of our ideas for making sure as many people as possible know about and are able to access the Raybel once she has returned to Sittingbourne, you told us that you wanted to have a new smart phone friendly website with information and also printed leaflets and newsletter. You also wanted to be able to book events online. There was recognition that alternative provision needed to be made for disabled people to be able to ‘see around’ the barge, maybe using new technologies.
People also suggested that we think about a podcast series and make sure we promote the Raybel to all of Kent, East Sussex and South London.
You were very supportive of our ambition to provide apprenticeships and work experience for young people, with 93% of responses saying this work was important. We are working closely with schools and others to develop this part of our plan, as well as with the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights on an apprenticeship partnership.
We are so pleased that the project has been met with such enthusiasm. People were very excited by the Raybel coming home to Sittingbourne and saw the barge providing additional impetus for a heritage quarter linked to the Milton Creek area.
10 people left their contact details to find out more about volunteering with the Raybel and we will be in touch with you directly.
If you would like to find out more or keep up with our progress, do get in touch - info@staging.raybelcharters.com. And sign up on this website for newsletters and updates. Twitter and Instagram too - both @RaybelCharters.